Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Importance of an Audience

Hey guys!  Back again for week 2 of blogging and I sure have a lot to say this week!  Have you ever really thought about how helpful honest, constructive criticism can be when it comes to writing?  I always become to attached to all the sentences and words I decide to use in papers.  When I go back by myself to proofread and edit, I sometimes will look over sentences that might not sound exactly right because I am too close to my own work.  Having an honest, outside source offer helpful, constructive criticism I found this really works to improve your paper for the best.

Just this week, we had two peer editing sessions in class for our "This I Believe" paper and I found both sessions extremely productive.  The first one-on-one session really gave me a personalized and detailed critique on my paper and prepared me for the second peer editing session.  The second session I found most helpful for a couple of reasons.  First of all, since we had to read our papers aloud to the class, I found that I put the most effort into it when editing from my previous draft.  Since public speaking can be intimidating, even if it is just to a small group of peers, I am sure most people did this too; this way I was confident and comfortable with what I was saying to the class.  Second of all, when reading aloud, the audience and the speaker both really get a chance to hear how the paper actually sounds.  The way one uses their voice with different tones, speeds, pitches, and vocabulary really helps point out what may need a bit of tweaking or what is not necessary for the paper.  Also, having an entire classroom of people there to offer criticisms or applause really helps the writer get a better grip and understanding on what it is exactly they need to do to make the paper the best writing it could possibly be.

I found the two peer editing sessions this week extremely helpful and am very grateful we had the chance to do them in class.  I am interested to know what you all thought about the time we spent on critiquing and editing each others work!  Worth it or skip it next time?  I cannot wait to hear your thoughts!

Until next time,



  1. Hey Kirk! I totally agree with you blog! I found both of the peer editing sections to be extremely helpful and productive! I think reading them aloud was so helpful because, lets be honest, speaking to a crowd is way different than speaking to yourself out loud! Right? I definitely think it was worth it!

  2. Peer editing definitely helps me, as does reading a piece out loud. It can help to point how the degree to which some sentences truly do not work, even when they sound fitting in your head.

  3. I agree as well that the peer editing was really worth the time. Also, as much as I hated having to read outloud it was worth it and I think really helped to feel the pacing and rhythm of the piece that its hard to get on your own.
